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k1,000 – k30,000

Tamanga Loan

This is a loan product for entrepreneurs with existing businesses who require a reliable loan facility to boost their businesses. It acts as a working capital, and is one of our flagship products at Mpelako.

k10,000 – k50,000

Bwelani Pamozi Loan

Bwelani Loan is a credit facility that is designed to enable micro and small business entrepreneurs to cater for their working capital requirements as well as improve their cash flow position. This loan is designated to 2 or more businesses collaborating on a single loan. Its available to all micro and small business enterprises, individuals, firms, and organizations involved mainly in general retail business e.g general shops, Hardware stores, artisans, agribusiness traders etc.

k10,000 – k300,000

Iseni Loan

Iseni Loan is a credit facility that is designed to enable business entrepreneurs to cater for their working capital requirements as well as improve their cash flow position. This product targets all business persons involved in transportation and distribution of goods, specialized services like construction, sinking bore holes, car hire, farmers, etc

k10,000 – k300,000

Bomben iPamozi Loan

Bombeni Loan is a credit facility that is designed to enable business entrepreneurs to cater for their working capital requirements as well as improve their cash flow position. This loan is designated to 2 or more businesses collaborating on a single loan. It is available for business persons involved in trading and merchanting businesses e.g general shops, hardware stores, exporters and importers etc.


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